The Chicago Tribune recently ran an article titled “The New Faces of Chicago’s Hip-Hop Scene”.  Much to our delight, 3 of the 10 featured artists work right here at Studio 11.  The article pays tribute to local hip-hop artists who are making a lot of noise not only here in Chicago, but on a national level as well. 

King Louis


King Has been recording at Studio 11 since 2005, and has recently enjoyed a boom of popularity and recognition.  King’s catalog is dauntingly massive as he is one of the most prolific artists this studio has ever seen.  His combination of utter cleverness and freestyle ability has helped him complete a staggering amount of cool tracks, so its no doubt that his name is buzzing.



Rockie Fresh


Although Rockie is no newcomer to rap, he is a fairly new client at Studio 11.  Rockie started work up here with his extremely powerful and impressive “The Otherside” mixtape, which did amazing numbers online.  Rockie is currently working on a new project up here and a few leaks are already floating around the web.  Be on the lookout for “Driving 88” coming soon.



YP is another long-time client of Studio 11, having blazed the booth since 2005.  YP has recently acquired new management and has since been killing it in the streets, on the stage, and on the radio.  This past fall saw the release of his most solid mixtape to date, “Still Awake”.  Without missing a beat, YP started work on his next project the day “Still Awake” was released.  YP has teamed up with some well known producers and is collecting some features from huge artists, so there is no doubt that his next project will make some serious waves.


It seems as though the hip-hop scene in Chicago is finally coming together to form some sort of movement.  I feel like there is more support than there has been for quite some time, and artists of vastly different styles are coming together for the cause.  I for one love being at the boards through it all watching and helping the artists come one step closer to their creative aspirations.  As always, thank you for your continued loyalty!

See the original Tribune article HERE


Steve Anderson



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